Thursday, July 17, 2008

Next Meeting is August 8, 4pm!

I hope everyone's been having a great summer! It's been really busy here at the library... We have the Summer Reading Celebration going on, and everyone's out of school, hanging out in our nice air-conditioned building.

Just so y'all know, our next Anime & Manga Club meeting is on August 8, at 4pm in the West Valley Library Community Room. As usual, feel free to bring your artwork, anime DVDs, or anything else you'd like to share. I will of course have plenty of Japanese snacks for you to devour.

I'm still thinking that we should plan some sort of big club event. Since many of you have expressed an interest in cosplay stuff, I think it would be fun to do something along those lines. Maybe a cosplay masquerade ball for Halloween? We could have it in the evening sometime in October, and have food and music (j-pop, j-rock, and anime soundtracks thrown in there, of course), and contests for best costumes. Let me know if you have any other ideas and suggestions for a club event!

Have a great July, and I hope to see you August 8 at our next meeting.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Fanime 2008?

Did you go to Fanime 2008 during Memorial Day weekend at the San Jose Convention Center?! Fanime is a huge and awesome anime convention held every year in San Jose. I didn't go inside, but I walked around the front of the convention center and admired all of the cosplay. (Read more about cosplay here.) It is a BIG deal at Fanime. Everyone was dressed up! I found these nicely-taken pictures on flickr that someone else took. Check out those costumes!

I was thinking that it would be fun to do a cosplay workshop during one of our next meetings. We could share tips and techniques that we've found, or good places to order supplies. Maybe we could do a cosplay party in the fall for Halloween...What do you think?

New Blog!

Welcome to West Valley Library's NEW Anime & Manga Club blog!

We are a club for teens ages 12-18, and we meet monthly at West Valley Branch Library to watch anime, talk about stuff we like, eat large amounts of Pocky, and have fun! Our club started in the fall of 2007, and we've grown to over 20 members so far, and growing every month.

As for me, I'm Katherine, a librarian at West Valley and the club's moderator. I like anime and manga myself, and I noticed a lot of teens in the library did too, so I started this club. If you're a teen who also loves anime and manga, I hope you'll join us at our next meeting. Stay tuned to this blog for updates about the club, interesting stuff going on in our area, and other random anime/manga-related findings...